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Learn more about Dr. Fred's background as a psychologist and his approach as a life coach.

Meet Dr. Fred

My clients come to me for help in many areas.

Here are some of the areas on which we focus:

As an Aging Life Care specialist and Experienced Mediator I help seniors and their families resolve issues relating to Moving, Assisted Care, Family Conflict, Money, Hoarding, and Estate issues among others.


I don't know what career to choose so that I can be successful in life.

I want to be in a meaningful relationship, but I don't know how to achieve that.

I have huge challenges ahead of me and could use support getting through this.

I have great challenges with my child and need the help of an experienced parent. 

The Full Story

I am Dr. Fred Morguelan. A Life Coach with a multifaceted career in the helping professions. I have an earned Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree and Doctorate in Psychology. Previously, I have worked as a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor, a College Instructor, a Marriage & Family Counselor, and a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. I have been a Qualified Medical Evaluator, CEO of two Health Care Corporations, and a faculty member at UCLA and USC. I am an active member of the International Association of Professional Life Coaches and the Aging Life Care Association. 

My approach to coaching is shaped by my education and experience. I have spent thousands of hours evaluating, counseling, educating and motivating clients with great success.

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Areas of Expertise

As your coach, our work will seek to assess your current life circumstances and understand the goals you wish to achieve. 


We will work to build new ways to grow and develop in areas you prioritize. Coaching requires a dialogue and our sessions will focus on your standards and values as they influence your goals.

My work includes, but is not limited to the following areas:


Work Related Issues

Career Counseling

Conflict Resolution

Stress and Grief Management

Transitional Life Changes (All Ages)

Skills Coaching

Relationship and Dating Coaching

Managing Life with Mental Illness

Divorce and Mediation

Aging and Care Planning

Parent Coaching

Coaching for Veterans and Service Members

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